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What Is The Direction of Structural Transformation of China’s Chemical Industry?

Views: 65     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-23      Origin: Site


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On December 27, 2023, China's National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment (2024 Edition)", which has made certain modifications based on the 2023 edition. The "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment" is an important policy document that guides the development direction of China's chemical industry. And it will be effective from February 1, 2024.It has clear policy leadership for the subdivisions of China's chemical industry. It also announced the "encouraged category", "restricted category", "Obsolete" related chemical industries have very important policy reference significance within China in terms of policy approval, development trends and project consultation for this type of industry.

What adjustments and changes does the "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment (2024 Edition)" released this time have compared with the 2023 edition?

Comparison of the differences between the "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment (2024 Edition)" and 2023 Edition






The encouraged category includes the development and production of new dyes, pigments, printing and dyeing auxiliaries and intermediates used in the fields of photodiagnosis, photoresist, liquid crystal display photovoltaic cells, liquid coloring, digital inkjet printing, functional chemical fiber dyeing and other fields.



The development and application of microchannel reaction technology and equipment, which were originally encouraged new materials, were put into the encouraged green and efficient technologies. The titles of the remaining encouraged new materials will be changed to the titles of encouraged special chemicals.



Add the open delayed coking process to Article 1 of the restricted category



The original new construction, renovation and expansion of chloroprene rubber will be changed to chloroprene rubber, and the scope of restrictions will be increased.



Delete the content of restricted soda ash (except for the comprehensive utilization of industrial waste salt to make alkali), and change the restricted category of caustic soda (except for ion membrane caustic soda devices that all use industrial waste salt to comprehensive utilization) to (more than 40% of the ion membrane using industrial waste salt) Except for caustic soda equipment), the restriction range increases.


Phosphorus trichloride

Added phosphorus trichloride to Article 5 of restricted petrochemical and chemical industries.



Article 5 of Restricted Petrochemical Chemical Industry (Except for equivalent or reduced capacity .replacement in this item) is replaced by (Except for relocation projects that do not add new production capacity in this item).



The position change of sodium dichromate in the restricted low-calcium roasting process is no longer exempt from the original production capacity equivalent or reduced replacement, and it is fully restricted.



The position change of sodium dichromate in the restricted low-calcium roasting process is no longer exempt from the original production capacity equivalent or reduced replacement, and it is fully restricted.



Phase out the calcium-like saponification chlorohydrin process (December 31, 2025) to phase out the chlorohydrin-like propylene oxide and epichlorohydrin calcium saponification process (December 31, 2025, fresh water per ton of product Except for those where the consumption does not exceed 15 tons and the amount of waste residue generated does not exceed 100 kilograms).

Source: China Petrochemical Federation Light Hydrocarbons and Aromatics Special Committee

Why does China's National Development and Reform Commission issue the "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment" more and more frequently?

The specific dates of the "Industrial Structural Adjustment Guidance Catalog" released in recent years are 2023 and 2019. There was an updated version four years after the release in 2019. And this time, only one year later, the latest "Industrial Structural Adjustment Guidance Catalog" has been released, or has the following signals been released to the market?
▶▶First, new material products related to new energy are rapidly entering the market.

In this release of the 2024 version compared to the 2023 version, it includes information on newly added new dyes used in the fields of phototherapy, photoresist, liquid crystal display, photovoltaic cells, dope coloring, digital inkjet printing, functional chemical fiber dyeing and other fields. The development and production of pigments, printing and dyeing auxiliaries and intermediates have been added to the encouraged chemical projects. These new material products largely represent new material products related to new energy, such as photovoltaic cells, photoresists, liquid crystal displays and functional chemically dyed fibers.
The development of the new energy industry is an important driving force for the development of China's chemical industry, driving the upgrading and iteration of China's new materials industry.

The development of the new energy industry is driving the continuous iteration of the new materials industry. The country must keep up with the development trend of the industry, especially for new material products that are constantly emerging, and require national policy support and encouragement. Therefore, the high-frequency release of the "Guidance Catalog for Industrial Structural Adjustment" is also a timely response to the rapid development of the chemical and new materials industries.
▶▶Second, China’s chemical industry structure is undergoing rapid transformation

It can be seen from the latest release of 2024 that many chemical industries are included in restricted development items, including "chlorine", "coking", "caustic soda", "phosphorus", "roasting", "printing and dyeing" ” and other keyword-related industries are also expanding the scope of device restrictions. From this point of view, it can be seen that China’s chemical industry has a tendency to expand the scope of restrictions on projects with “high energy consumption”, “high pollution” and “high resource content”. The development policy requirements for such projects continue to increase, forcing China to The transformation of the chemical industry is accelerating.
China's chemical industry has always been characterized by high pollution, high emissions, and high energy consumption. The characteristics of the industry have obvious development limitations compared with other industries. The country has been very clear about the development of this type of industry since the 2019 edition. It has been five years since 2019, and policy requirements have changed from restrictions to elimination, from small scope to general scope. Relevant and powerful enterprises have already made relevant structural adjustments. Only by grasping the development trend can they adapt to the development wave of the times.
▶▶Third, restricted development projects are gradually expanding, and heavy chemical enterprises should transform as soon as possible

It can be seen from the latest release of 2024 that 7 of the ten changes made are restricted chemical projects. The expansion of the scope and content of restricted chemical projects is an essential change in the national policy’s attitude towards the development of the traditional chemical industry. . Prior to this, the essence of the chemical industry was more energy consumption and higher pollution emissions. Although the country's advancement of technology in recent years has led to many companies making significant changes, it is still difficult to change the essential characteristics of the chemical industry.

In addition, with the rapid development of the new energy industry, the new chemical industry driven by new energy has experienced a blowout. On the one hand, this has proposed new ideas and trend directions for the adjustment of chemical industry policies. On the other hand, many chemical companies have also seized the opportunity. This wave of new energy has achieved rapid transformation and development. Therefore, judging from the current chemical industry situation, chemical industry policies and chemical industry development trends are in line with this prediction, and it is also the inevitable direction of the development of China's chemical industry. Those chemical companies that have not yet made changes, especially "heavy" chemical companies, will be It will face "reverse swallowing" under the development wave of new energy and chemical industry.
▶▶Fourth, the pressure to “peak” in the chemical industry as carbon peak approaches

With the carbon peak approaching in 2030, the chemical industry currently only has clear scale requirements for the refining and ethylene end. However, the chemical industry is an industry with many categories after all. The complexity is self-evident, and it is impossible to target every one. The industry has specific peaking policy requirements, so development restrictions need to be implemented at a macro level. Under such a premise, more industries may be included in the restricted development scope, gradually reducing the pressure on the chemical industry before it reaches its peak.

Under such a premise, China's local chemical companies need to make changes as soon as possible, especially changes in technological innovation iterations, refined extension of the industrial chain, and new energy-related chemical transformation, otherwise they will face huge development pressure.

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